JoinedPosts by THE GLADIATOR
When "The Persecution" Comes - What a Let Down that turned out to be!
by cofty inwhen i was young there was endless speculation about "the persecution".
i have very clear memories as a child sitting in the old kingdom hall in coatbridge hearing it talked about from the platform.
it was a frequent topic at home.. sometimes there was lurid detail about what sort of torture "they" might use against us to make us betray others.
Atheism and the delusion of meaning
by Laika inin the movie annie hall, written by woody allen, as a young boy, alvy's mother, takes him to see a doctor as he appears to be dealing with some kind of depression.
when the doctor asks alvy what's up, alvy explains that he just found out the universe is expanding, everything will spread out and go cold and die, therefore nothing he does matters, so he is not going to do anything anymore.
most people might see this as a joke, but i think woody is trying to make a serious point.. the point here is about meaning.
Laika For most of human history, humans have been too busy surviving to analyze the purpose of the universe. The problem began when humans developed an ego that could not accept its own demise and was unable to accept that life is not all about ourself.
Life is the present moment. The present moment is all there is and all there ever will be until the end of time in this universe. Perhaps there are other universes that are just starting. We enjoy our moment in the sun along with some suffering and then we die of old age, like every other living thing in the world. Eventually even the stars will burn out.
Accept what IS and cherish the fact that, at almost impossible odds, you made it on to planet earth, if only for a brief moment. In truth, who really wants to live forever?
Evolution is Crap, there I said it!
by Crazyguy inok i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it.
the theory of major evolution is crap!
the theory is falling apart.
For a basic, non-pretentious explanation of how evolution works, you won’t do better than Richard Dawkins - The Magic of Reality. It contains is an uplifting an entertaining look at the natural world and shows how mankind has been influenced by endless myths and magical thinking while missing the beauty and wonder of reality.
The bad news is that we do not individually live forever but return to dust. To live with the hope of eternity you will need to find a religion or become a gladiator.
What is faith?
by Seraphim23 in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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Faith usually starts out as excited expectation. People tend to have faith in things they want to happen or be. They want and need until their desire becomes expectation and then they have ‘something,’ an abstract noun called faith.
In time faith becomes belief, ‘something’ to value. What we value we attach emotion to and protect with all our heart. We then love our faith and others that share it. Now our faith is our reality, purpose in life and reason for living. We become suspicious of those that do not see or hear what we do. They are not our brothers and sisters, comrades, fellow believers.
Ah the great divide!
When the Anointed Die which part of them goes to heaven?
by WildeLover inaccording to the wt the 144000 have to die to obtain their heavenly reward?
but which part of them goes to heaven?.
their body can't and doesn't.
Back at home father was questioning me closely. He was concerned about my ‘spirituality.’ I gave him the answers he needed to hear and he relaxed a little. I had been thinking about death a lot recently and there was one thing on my mind at the time that bothered me. As father was an Elder, I felt I could confide in him and clarify the situation. He was sitting with mother when I broached the subject.
‘I am having difficulty with something you may be able to help me with. According to the Society our body is our soul. We don’t have a soul that can be separated from our body at death. Therefore, when we die nothing of us is left. If we die under persecution, we will be dead until we are resurrected into the new world. But if there is nothing of us left to resurrect, how can we be resurrected from the dead?’
‘Jehovah keeps a memory of us, and he can recreate us just as we were but as perfect humans,’ he explained.
‘But if nothing original remains, that would not be us. We would just be a replica of who we were. That is not really what resurrection means.’
Father went off and found a suitable Watchtower publication and read out a passage that confirmed what he had said. I took a Bible and read passages that claimed souls do survive death; that resurrection involves raising up souls that have been asleep in death. Father read more passages from the publication.
‘I know that is what the Society books say but don’t you see the problem? It contradicts what the Bible says!’
Now father was getting peeved. ‘This is how the Society has explained it and this is what we believe. I don’t want to hear any more of your strange ideas.’
‘These strange ideas are not mine. All I have done is read to you from the Bible, something you have made me spend my whole life doing. Now you are saying that what is written in the Watchtower Society’s books is more important than what the Bible plainly states,’ I said defensively.
Father’s eyes were now watering and I realised we were not going to resolve the matter. So, I decided to try to calm things down.
‘Look, I am not trying to be awkward or argue with you. I just need to be clear in my mind what will happen to us if we die before we get into the new world. You believe that when the ‘anointed class’ with a heavenly hope die; they will immediately be changed into spirit beings’
‘The Bible makes it clear that they will be,’ he confirmed.
‘If their body is their soul, what is it of them that is changed into a spirit?’
Father looked angry. ‘You ask too many questions, you always have. Why don’t you just accept what the Society says? We have ‘the truth’ and we can leave the details to them.’
‘You have told me that you joined our religion all those years ago because you were impressed by the way the brothers that called on you took the time to sit down and answer all your questions from the Bible. Now when I ask you to be as reasonable with me as they were with you, you tell me not to ask questions. It is by questioning that we get to ‘the truth.’ I can’t believe something until I am clear in my mind what it is I actually believe.’
Father had heard enough. He stood up. ‘You can believe whatever you like, but if you want to stay in ‘the truth’, you had better stop asking so many questions.’ He disappeared into his bedroom.
I turned to mother. ‘What do you make of all this?’ I asked.
I just believe whatever the latest publications say,’ she answered.
‘Even if it contradicts the Bible?’ I asked.
‘There are things we are not meant to fully understand yet.’
‘But doesn’t it trouble you to not know what would happen to you if you were to die?
‘I can’t discuss this with you,’ she said firmly.
Taken from: There's Something Wrong With THAT BOY! By Trevor Willis
He Is Risen, the axial component of christianity
by designs insunday hundreds of millions and possibly up to two billion people will join in some service in observance of the resurrection of jesus.
it is the central issue which takes the teachings of jesus from the philosophy of doing good to others to the ultimate truth which it claims.
it was the axial argument of the apostle paul in 1 cor.
Rattigan350 As I understand it, Christians are refering to Christ in the present tense.
His is risen in as much as - he is here.
Funny things to not do at the Memorial
by rebel8 inpull out a can of cheese whiz, top the bread with it, and take a nibble.. .
say really loud...."oh, wow!
jesus' body is really tasty this year!".
The last time I went to a memorial as an apostate in an over crowded hall, it was expected that all women and visitors sat down in the available seats. Only elders and minis would stand, lining the walls the walls as they stood and asserted their seniority by standing throughout the ceremony. Finding the whole experience rather claustrophobic I stood along with my wife.
We were initially asked to sit down. After much whispering three elders came up and insisted we sit in two seats at the back they had saved for us. I pointed out that politeness dictated that the seats should be used by older people, which included some of the elders. We refused to yield and stood amongst the elders near the front.
Cat among the pigeons and all that.
ALL you ever need to know to understand NEW LIGHT (for what it really is)
by Terry inhere is what i'm thinking; see if you don't agree.... .
jehovah's witnesses are divided into three distinct tiers of membership.. 1.governing body anointed.
4.the rank and file jw & non-gb anointed are told what the shape is and what it means and what to do about it.. .
Waiting on Jehovah to get his act together and shine some new light down on us is a mug’s game.
Jehovah has forever, whereas those of us who are mortal feel a sense of urgency as our impeding death gets closer.
“And this I know: whether the one True Light,
Kindle to Love, or Wrath consume me quite,
One Glimpse of It within the Tavern caught
Better than in the Temple lost outright.”
(Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Edward FitzGerald's Translation)
Someone will have to help me with this one - I can't get there on my own.
For many years the Watchtower Society have tried to make young minds believe that it is the will of God himself that they abandon all ambition, or higher education, or a career, in favour of promoting their beliefs. Notice the dates on these quotes:
As you think about your future, no doubt questions run through your mind. Should I go to university and seek a career as a doctor, a lawyer, or a scientist? Does the dream of climbing the corporate ladder to financial success and recognition intrigue me? Would I become a famous name in the arts through acting or painting? Or, as a youth devoted to Jehovah god, should I choose the full-time ministry as my career…? Youths how will you use your future? For yourself or fully for Jehovah? Prayerfully consider the goal of full-time service now in your youth. Imitate Jesus by living the rest of your life ‘for God’s will.’ It will prove to be a protection from harmful worldly ambitions, careers and associations. Analyse your circumstances and set a specific date as your goal for entering full-time service. Work towards it. Pray for Jehovah’s help to attain it.
The Watchtower 15 April 1986 - pages 28-30
Remember, too, that ‘the time left is reduced.’ (1 Corinthians 7:29) How much time will you devote to such education? Will it consume the bulk of your youthful years? If so, how will you apply the Bible's encouragement to ‘remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood’?
The Watchtower 1 Sept.1999 Youths -Train Your Perceptive Powers!
But there is danger in encouraging them to take up a life style centred on education and financial security instead of true worship.... Plans for a life that subordinates spirituality to worldly goals can snuff out a young person’s desire to serve God.
The Watchtower 15 June 2011 - page 6